eBoard ①⑧⑨
Written for SIA 2017/2018

This tutorial shows you how to setup the AX12-Servos. More...

This tutorial shows you how to setup the AX12-Servos.

This isn't tested (if you've tested this, message me ^^)

If both Servos respond to the same ID (we will assume it's ID1 in this Tutorial) there are several steps to perform:

  1. Disconnect any power supply from the smart servo shield, detach smart servo shield and the Arduino and connect the arduino to the PC
  2. Flush this code onto the Arduino (preferably via the Arduino IDE ;) ):
    #include <eBoard.h>
    DynamixelBoard servoBoard(board);
    AX12Servo steerMotor1(servoBoard,1); //if the assumed ID1 is wrong change the 1
    int main() {
    for(;;) {
    steerMotor1.changeMotorID(2); //2 can be 1/3/4...
    steerMotor1.setPosition(200); //If the servo is already in this position.. change the servo position^^
  3. Connect only one AX12-Servo to the smart servo shield (which schould be connected to the arduino (^,^) and make sure the power supply is sufficient (and stable)
  4. Wait for the Motor to move!
  5. The process is completed... unplug everything (except the Arduino from the PC) and flush another Code onto the Arduino. E.g. this one:
    #include <eBoard.h>
    int main(){
    return 0;
  6. Now you can reattach the smart servo shield to the arduino and write your code! The AX12-Servos should now respond to their different IDs