eBoard ①⑧⑨
Written for SIA 2017/2018
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 dancing_dragon.cppDancing dragon :D
 lcd_debug.cppLcd debug example
 neo_animation.cppSimple neo-animation example
 eagle_Assert.hThis file contains the assert wrapper for EBOARD_DEBUG_MODE
 eagle_AX12Servo.hThis file contains the AX12Servo class
 eagle_Bluetooth.hThis file contains cool stuff to access the bluetooth interface
 eagle_Checks.hThis file contains various checkers like checkIdx
 eagle_Comfort.hThis file contains sine8 and gamma8
 eagle_DynamixelBoard.hThis file contains the DynamixelBoard class
 eagle_HelpMot.hThis file contains the helper to acces the motor on the main car
 eagle_I2C.hThis file contains cool stuff to access the I²C interface
 eagle_I2CInOut.hThis file contains the I2CInOut class
 eagle_LCD.hThis file contains the LCD class
 eagle_NeoPixel.hThis file contains the NeoPixel class
 eagle_PinCtrl.hThis file contains cool stuff... it controls pins
 eagle_PreprocessorControl.hThis file contains cool stuff never seen by the Arduino :/
 eagle_RB14Scan.hThis file contains the RB14Scan class
 eagle_ReptTask.hThis file contains cool stuff... this file contains cool stuff... this file contains cool stuff... ... ... ... [...]
 eagle_Servo.hThis file contains the Servo class
 eagle_ServoCds55.hThis file contains the ServoCds55 class
 eagle_Setup.hThis file contains the setup method
 eagle_ShiftExt.hThis file contains the cool shift-EXTension
 eagle_SoccerBoard.hThis file contains the SoccerBoard class
 eagle_SoftwareSerial.hThis file contains the SoftwareSerial class
 eagle_SPI.hThis file contains the SPI class
 eagle_Twi.hThis file contains the Twi class
 eagle_TwoWire.hThis file contains the TwoWire class
 eBoard.hThis is the main file - nice :D