eBoard ①⑧⑨
Written for SIA 2017/2018
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAX12ServoThis is the AX12Servo ghost struct :D
 CDynamixelBoardThis is the DynamixelBoard ghost struct :D
 CI2CInOut[COPY&PASTE] This is the I2CInOut ghost struct :D
 CLCD[I2C] [LCD] This is used to add support for OLED displays connected to the 'SoccerBoard'
 CNeoPixel[NEO] this allows you to access Adafruit LED-stripes
 CRB14Scan[BLUETOOTH] This is the RB14Scan ghost struct :D
 CServo[NANO] The standard Arduino Servo Class
 CServoCds55[SPI] This is used to communicate with the smart servo shield
        Don't use manually
 CSoccerBoardThis is the SoccerBoard ghost struct :D
 Ceagle_impl::SPIClass[SPI] This is used to avoid path resolving issues and defines the common known Arduino SPI interface
        Don't use manually
 Ceagle_impl::SoftwareSerial[328p] This is used to avoid path resolving issues and defines the common known Arduino SoftwareSerial interface only enabled on UNO and NANO (specific, ATmega328P based-plattforms)
        Don't use manually
 Ceagle_impl::TwoWire[I2C] This is used to avoid path resolving issues and defines the common known Arduino Wire-Interface
        Don't use manually